Curriculum Vitæ
Raison d’être
To cure monolingualism, one bilingual Billiken at a time.
Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri
Ph.D. Romance Language Pedagogy – 2015
M.A. French – 2008
Webster University, Webster Groves, Missouri
Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland
B.S. Computer Science, French Minor
Professional Experience
Director of the Language Resource Center (2008 – Present)
Associate Professor of French (2021 – Present)
Assistant Professor of French (2016 -2021)
Instructor of French (2008 – 2016)
Saint Louis University
French Instructor for the Alliance Française (2007 – 2008)
Ladue, Missouri
Technology Specialist at The Vandover Group (2004 – 2006)
Creve Coeur, Missouri
English Teacher at Lycée Antoine-Bourdelle (2003 – 2004)
Montauban, France
Instructional Technologist at Webster University (2001 – 2003)
Webster Groves, Missouri
Research Interests
- CALL (Computer-assisted language learning)
- Educational Technology
- Language Proficiency Assessment
- Speech-to-text and Text-to-Speech technologies for language learning
- New Media
Courses Taught at Saint Louis University
- French 1010: Communicating in French I
- French 1020: Communicating in French II
- French 2010: Intermediate French Language and Culture – (online, hyflex, & traditional formats)
- French 3010: Discovering the French-Speaking World
- French 4250: Le Monde des Nouveaux Médias – link
- French 5010: French for Reading and Translation – link
- French 5040: Methods and Technology for Teaching French – link
Professional Memberships
International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT)
• President (June 2023 – Present)
• President-elect (June 2021 – June 2023)
• Council Member as Website Liaison and site manager for www.iallt.org & www.fltmag.com (Nov 2017 – June 2021)
Midwest Association for Language Learning Technology (MWALLT)
Language Background
Near-native proficiency in French, proficient in Spanish, intermediate German, and some studies in Latin, Ancient Greek, Russian, and Portuguese.
Technology Skills
Full stack developer with 20+ years of development experience for the web.
Current Projects
Grant: $325,000 Digital Humanities project: iSpraak: A web-based application for second language pronunciation instruction, assessment, and research. Primary funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Federal matching funds of $50,000 made possible by the SLU Research Institute.
Grant: First Language-Second Language Proficiency with MultiAutoEIT: An Open Access Measure of Oral Language Proficiency. $15,000 funding from AI and Education Initiative Faculty Research Grant at the Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering at Boston University. Serving as Co-PI with Dr. Dan Isbell and PI Dr. Kathy MinHye Kim.
Book: Friend or Faux? A French-language open educational resource that explores the topic of New Media. This OER combines a printed textbook, website, and online activities. www.friendoufaux.com ; Fall 2019 – Present.
Project: The Podcast Project – An OER (open educational resource) for advanced learners of Spanish and French, designed to facilitate listening comprehension and language acquisition through authentic and engaging content. More info online: www.podcastproject.org ; Fall 2019 – Present.
Nickolai, D. (2024, November). Revisiting pronunciation instruction. The FLTMAG. https://www.doi.org/10.69732/CUJK8690
Nickolai, D. (2024). Quantifying the impact of ASR-based instruction: What does the iSpraak platform learner data show?. The EuroCALL Review, 31(1), 16-23. https://doi.org/10.4995/eurocall.2024.20221
Nickolai, D. (2024, March). Automated Transcription with MacWhisper. The FLTMAG. https://www.doi.org/10.69732/WRRK5241
Nickolai, D., Schaefer, E., & Figueroa, P. (2024). Aggregating the evidence of automatic speech recognition research claims in CALL. System, 121, 103250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2024.103250
García, C., Nickolai, D., & Jones, L. (2020). Traditional versus ASR-based pronunciation instruction: an empirical study. Calico Journal, 37(3), 213-232. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.40379
Nickolai, D. (2017, November). VoiceThread sequencing: an SLA-informed approach. The FLTMAG. https://www.doi.org/10.69732/NJEA1426
Nickolai, D. (2015, November). iSpraak: automated online pronunciation feedback. The FLTMAG. https://www.doi.org/10.69732/JTCQ7859
Nickolai D. (2012, January). How tablets accelerate the ease of learning a foreign language,” in the tablet business magazine TabTimes. Mag., 18 January 2012. Web.
Nickolai, D. (2011, December). The placement predicament: foreign language proficiency assessments. Thai TESOL Bulletin, 22(1), 63-71. Fall 2012.
Presentations, Webinars, Invited Lectures, and Interviews
Presentation: “The Art of Translation: Exploring Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad in French and Spanish” for the 2025 Saint Louis Literary Award Campus Read series. March 2025.
Guest Lecture: “Tecnología y evaluación: el papel de la tecnología en la evaluación de idiomas” at Saint Louis University for Dr. Ander Beristain’s SPAN 5042 course, Assessment and Language Learner Contexts. Recording. November 2024.
Presentation: “Understanding NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grants”, at the biennial IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) Summit. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Hawaii. July 2024.
Presentation: “Quantifying ASR Pronunciation Gains with Large Learner Datasets” at CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. May 2024.
Presentation: “iSpraak: A platform for second language pronunciation instruction, assessment, and research” at Cornell University’s Language Resource Center. Recording. April 2024.
Interview: Guest on “Speaking of Language” podcast produced by the Language Resource Center at Cornell University. April 2024.
Webinar: “Underrated Skills for Working with Tech: Showcasing the Range of your Abilities” for IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) Webinar. Online. November 2023.
Webinar: “iSpraak: A free pronunciation platform” for IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) Webinar. Online. August 2023.
Presentation: “Modeling and Evaluating L2 Speech with iSpraak” at biennial IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. June 2023.
Technology Showcase: “iSpraak – Automatic Speech Recognition for Everyone” at CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 2023.
Presentation: “A Decade of ASR Research in CALL” at CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 2023.
Webinar: “Language and Technology at the Crossroads: Conference Preview” for IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) Webinar. Online. April 2023.
Presentation: “Empowering language learners, educators, and researchers through speech recognition technology” to the Saint Louis University Board of Trustees (Academic and Medical Affairs). St. Louis, Missouri. February 2023.
Presentation: “Designing an Open Educational Resource (OER) with WordPress and H5P”, at the biennial IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) Summit. New Orleans, Louisiana. July 2022.
Guest Lecture: “La enseñanza de la pronunciación en las clases de segundas lenguas: algunas pautas y consideraciones a tener en cuenta”, Guest lecturer for Dr. Christina Garcia’s graduate class, “Spanish Phonology and its Place in the Classroom” (SPAN 5050) Saint Louis University, April 2022
Webinar: “Looking Forward: Language Teaching and Technology Post-Pandemic” for IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) Webinar. Online. October 2021.
Presentation: “The Podcast Project: Scaffolded storytelling with H5P activities” at IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) Conference. Online. June 2021.
Presentation: “Getting Involved at IALLT” at IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) Conference. Online. June 2021.
Technology Showcase: “Automating L2 Corrective Feedback with iSpraak” at CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference. Online. June 2021.
Interview: “IALLT Interview Project Episode 3: Interview with Dan Nickolai” in FLTmag: A magazine on technology integration in the world language classroom. Mag., March 2021. Web. https://www.doi.org/10.69732/BCFJ8381
Presentation: “Should ASR technology supplement or supplant the pronunciation teacher?”, Saint Louis University’s 1818 Advanced College Credit Program Event, Saint Louis, Missouri, October 2019
Guest Lecture: “Conducting Pronunciation Research in CALL”, Guest lecturer for Dr. Gillian Lord’s graduate class, “Technology in Foreign Language Education” (FOL6326) University of Florida, September 2019
Presentation: “Evaluating Speech Recognition Tech for L2 Pronunciation Practice” at IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology). University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, Summer 2019.
Presentation: “Getting Involved at IALLT” at IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology). University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, Summer 2019.
Presentation: “Publish in the FLTMAG” at IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology). University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, Summer 2019.
Presentation: “Automating L2 Pronunciation Instruction and Evaluation” at CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference. Montréal, Canada. May 2019.
Technology Showcase: “iSpraak: l’intégration de la reconnaissance automatique de la parole dans la phonétique corrective” at CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference. Montréal, Canada. May 2019.
Webinar: Automatic Speech Recognition in World Languages; co-presented to IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology). May 2019.
Presentation: “Initiatives in Teaching French: LLC Symposium Presentations and Panel Discussion”, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri. April 2019.
Presentation: “ASR: Say it, see it, savor it!”. New Trends in the Dynamic Language Classroom (LRC Pedagogy Day). Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri. March 2019.
Presentation: “SLA and CALL: Technology in the L2 Classroom”. 1818 Language Day. Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri. September 2018.
Presentation: “Exploring the Role of Automatic Speech Recognition in the L2 Classroom” at CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. May 2018.
Presentation: “Emerging Trends in Language Learning Technology” Closing Plenary panel at IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology)
Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, Summer 2017.
Presentation: “Increasing L2 Intelligibility through iSpraak” at IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology)
Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, Summer 2017.
Webinar: Curriculum-centered Language Placement Testing; presented to IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology). June 2017
Symposium Roundtable: “L’enseignement du français langue étrangère à Saint-Louis: une table ronde”, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri. April 2017
Presentation: “Technology in the L2 Classroom” for departmental Pedagogy Workshop Series, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri. February 2017
Presentation: “Online Speech Recognition for Pronunciation Development” at FTCC (Focus on Teaching and Technology) 2016 annual conference. University of Missouri-St. Louis. Saint Louis, Missouri. November 2016
Presentation: “Innovative Tools for Individualized Pronunciation Development” at MIDTESOL 2016, “Innovation and Improvisation in TESOL”
Kansas City, Missouri, October 2016
Technology Showcase: Multilingual Online Speech Recognition with iSpraak; presented at the 2016 CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, May 2016
Webinar: Adaptive Language Placement with SLUPE; presented to the Liberal Arts Consortium on Online Learning (LACOL). The Consortium is a partnership of Amherst, Carleton, Claremont McKenna, Haverford, Pomona, Swarthmore, Vassar, and Williams colleges. February 2016.
Keynote Speaker: Saint Louis University’s 1818 Advanced College Credit Program Event, presentation: “Instructional Technology for Language Educators”
November 2015
Presentation: “Re-purposing Speech-to-Text APIs for Evaluating Student Pronunciation” at FLEAT VI (Foreign Language Education and Technology)
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Summer 2015
Presentation: “Criterion-referenced Placement Tests” at IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology)
Pinecrest School, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Summer 2013.
Presentation: “Placement Test Development” at SOCALLT (South Central Association for Language Learning Technology)
Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, Spring 2013.
Guest Lecture: “¿Cómo medir la adquisición?” (How do we measure language acquisition?), Guest lecturer for Dr. Kara McBride’s course, “Second Language Acquisition” (SPAN 422). Spring 2013.
Presentation: “Le rôle et la présence de la mémoire au fil du XXme” at annual AATF (American Association of Teachers of French) Convention.
Summer 2012.
Presentation: “Using online formative assessments to guide tense learning” for KFLC Conference (Kentucky Foreign Language Conference)
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, Spring 2012
Keynote Speaker: Saint Louis University’s 1818 Advanced College Credit Program Event, “Focus on Outcomes Assessment”
December 2011
Presentation: “Assessing Assessments: In Pursuit of Perfect Placement” for KFLC (Kentucky Foreign Language Conference)
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, April 2011
Presentation: “Evaluations de compétence en langue étrangère avec Web 2.0” presented for NEALLT (Northeast Association for Language Learning Technology) at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, Spring 2010
Presentation: “Etude de la mémoire dans La Cliente de Pierre Assouline” presented at the 6th Annual French and Spanish Graduate-Undergraduate Student Symposium, Saint Louis University, Spring 2008
Presentation: “Misogynie à la médiévale” presented at 5th Annual French and Spanish Graduate-Undergraduate Student Symposium, Saint Louis University, Spring 2007
The James H. Korn Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award from the Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning at Saint Louis University. Co-recipient. Awarded Fall 2024.
The Robert Henderson Memorial Award from IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology). University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, Summer 2019.
Dissertation Awarded Distinction: Increasing Placement Proficiency Test Reliability Through Data-Driven Criterion-Referenced Adaptive Assessments, Spring 2015.
Graduate Admissions Assistantship awarded, Saint Louis University, Summer 2006
Selected by Webster University Foreign Language Department for Teaching Assistantship in Montauban, France, Spring 2003
Digital Projects & Other Misc.
Project: iSpraak – Web application to evaluate target-language pronunciation featuring speech-to-text comparative algorithms and integration with authentic speech sample databases. Fall 2014-Present.
Project: SLUPE – Designed and programmed an adaptive proficiency placement exam known as SLUPE (Saint Louis University Placement Exam). Patent #US8684746 issued April 2014, development ongoing: August 2009 – Present
Web Project: Collocationizer – Designed web application to help students identify incorrect or unlikely grammatical constructions in the target language based on statistical collocation in formal and informal registers. January 2019. New version released February 2024.
Web Project: “Texting and L2 Oral Fluency,” – Designed research survey tool in support of dissertation project at UC-Davis. This application collects demographic information of raters, randomly serves audio samples, and provides an evaluation platform of student speech samples. Spring 2023.
Web Project: Speech Sample Survey – Designed web application and interface for crowdsourcing speech evaluations to support research on the intelligibility of beginning Spanish language learners. Spring 2019.
Project: VoiceRater – Web application to support SLA research of accent impressions by native and non-native speakers in Spanish and English. Spring 2014.
Project: DuoVox – Web application that facilitates student recordings. Spring 2014.
Podcast: Created the CALICO Audio Journal podcast that features an audio archive of the journal’s printed articles, reviews, and editorials. 2012 – 2013.
Textbook: Ancillary material writer for 9th Edition of French textbook Contacts released by Houghton Mifflin, 2013.
Project: NanoVox– Designed, programmed, and released foreign language software to assist in management and creation of multimedia activities. March 2012.